This section describes how to access the web interface of the over ther Ethernet connection.
Ethernet connection
For the Ethernet connection, there are different options on how to establish the connection. The following image shows the most common configurations:
Network infrastructure/DHCP
If the connection is established over an existing network infrastructure (router), the IP address for the Pinebox is usually assigned by the DHCP server in the network from a pre-defined IP range. In this case, the user needs to determine the IP address on the configuration page of the router.
The web interface of the Pinebox can be accessed by typing http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd into the address line of your web browser, where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the assigned IP address. Alternatively, the devicename of the Pinebox can be used. The devicename is compiled from the serial number, a device with serial number 12345 will have the devicename pinebox-12345. The connection from the PC to the router can be either wired or wireless.
Direct connection
The direct connection can be established either via the PC’s build-in Ethernet connection or via a USB-to-Ethernet adapter:
After establishing the connection, the adapter needs to be configured. The following images show how this is done in the Windows operating system.
- Choose Start > Settings
- Select „Network & Internet“ :
- Go to „Advanced Networks Settings“ and select „Change Adapter Options“:
- Select the Ethernet adapter that was used for the connection by double-clicking and select „Internet Protocol, Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)“:
- Enter the following values for configuration:
- Now you can access the by typing http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd into the address line of your web browser, where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd the assigned IP address on the label.