5.3 SQLite Database – Node-RED database node

Import node into Node-RED

The Node-RED node for the database is generated similar to other nodes and imported into Node-RED:

Copy the content:

Import into Node-RED:

Connect node in Node-RED

For the resulting node, the output of the Process Data needs to be directly connected to the „Compile Data“ node:

To confirm the database settings, the database connection needs to be confirmed. Double-click on the „Database“ node and confirm with „Done“:

Delete old data

Data can be purged on a regular basis from the database. To do so, connect an „Inject“ node with the „Delete older than x hours“ input.

in this example, the node is configured to delete the data older than 5 hours. This operation is executed at Node-RED start (device start if Node-RED service is enabled) and then every hour: